He cannot be serious!

Spielberg has lost it, finally. Now he thinks he's another Robert Wise....

If he's insane enough to persist in this misbegotten plan, the result will be as "polished" and "musical" as his wife's pathetic song-and-dance thing in Temple of Doom, with the embarrassingly cynical superimposed glitter, (or was he being cynical..? Maybe that's his idea of "class".)


I seriously don't care for the fact that Spielberg is rebooting/remaking the original 1961 film version of West Side Story either. At this point, however, I see nothing else to do except to vote my pocket book and boycott Spielberg's version of West Side Story--inotherwords, not go to see it when it hits the movie theatres at around Christmastime of 2020. That's what I plan to do.


I suspect it'll be big crowd, staying away.


Well, Popcorny--Here's hoping that you're right.
