Tarsem Singh!?

Seems like a strange choice to direct this series... but I'm honestly curious now.

The show itself--and NBC shows in general--doesn't interest me, but I'm willing to watch the first episode if only to see how much of Singh's signature style he was allowed to inject into it.

My guess is not much. Don't want to scare away all the housewives looking for their drama fix by making the show visually interesting, after all.


It has Vincent D'Onofrio though, so that gives me hope that it'll be closer to THE FALL(2006) and TIN MAN(2007). Plus the trailer looked beautiful.

"There is still hope." - Arwen


Why are you so convinced that all suburban housewives want visually dull drama? I know suburban housewives who love horror, fantasy, SciFi, action, documentaries, and all kinds of genres. Many of them are highly educated. Some of them even have degrees in art and possibly even filmmaking.

Where did this idea come from that each and every suburban housewife out there is a braindead doormat who watches nothing but soap operas and "reality" shows? Why all the prejudice?

Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you find the real tinsel underneath.


This suburban housewife loves all things SciFi and Fantasy.


Why are you so convinced I wasn't speaking tongue-in-cheekly, concocting a false generalization simply meant to highlight the prevalence of dull prime-time dramas?

That being said, can guarantee you that it isn't middle-aged men making up the bulk of Once Upon A Time's viewership every week.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.



I could see his influence in the pilot. The cinematography and art direction reminded me of The Fall.

All hail the underdogs
All hail the new kids
All hail the outlaws
Spielbergs and Kubricks
