Underrated like hell

I thought this movie was great! It was incredibly entertaining and I loved the great performances by the actors (especially the kids). Really impressive considering the fact that M. Night pulled this off with only a 5 million budget and a small crew.

Not an annoying supernatural horror story. Awesome acting. Funny scenes and dialogue between the two children. Scary scenes with the two psychos. Great twist that I did not see coming. All in all M. Night's 4th or 5th best film (depending on how you'd rank The Village)

You guys are crazy for not liking it.


I think most people are hung up on Shyamalan films having to have a big shocking twist, if they don't get what they want they're so disappointed. But really if you look at the plots and writing of all his films, they are stories about *people* especially families. The Visit has at its heart the betrayal the children felt over their father dumping them at a young age, along with their mother's angst over how she left home at 19, and all those things are well towards resolving at the end of the film, we get to see them healing. It took a nightmare situation as the catalyst to heal. As the situation in Signs was the catalyst to give Mel Gibson's character back his faith and makes his family closer than ever.

This is why I like Shyamalan's movies (except Lady In The Water, it was meh), his stories are about what ordinary people do in extraordinary situations. I love horror films that are truly stories about the people involved.

Devil is an odd film, I didn't even know it was a Shyamalan movie, and it all happened so fast there wasn't really a time for back stories. Still entertaining, though.


I'm not sure how it was promoted in the States but in The UK the trailer had scenes from the movie spliced with scenes from a movie theatre of people actually reacting to the movie and it was being pushed as the most horrific scary movie of all time which it wasn't. Still enjoyed it though.



The jump-scares were way too predictable and forced...I find them very annoying, unless they happen "naturally" in the storyline. Sadly, they so rarely do.


with only a 5 million budget and a small crew

Man, that speaks to the sad state of affairs these days in the film industry...


M. Night pulled this off with only a 5 million budget and a small crew.
I'm surprised it cost this much. It's just a cheap found footage movie with a cast of unknowns, whose collective acting, I agree is quite good. I don't think it's underrated at all, but it was a good commercial move of Night's to go "found footage". Amazingly releasing one of these things is almost like a licence to print money. He must be laughing all the way to the bank.🐭


That 5 million also includes the budget for advertising (which I bet he didn't had to do much thanks to his name still having some pull).


Agree completely. This movie was perfectly made slow-burn horror flick.
