What the f*uck was up with the boy at the end?
The old man says to him that he has a magic spell on him and the kid just stood there. Was he hypnotized? That was so weak to just have him passively standing there while the old man rubbed s h i t on his face and ranted about being a seer. The f*ucking kid had the opportunity to run away, but no, he just stood there like an idiot. Again, was he hypnotized and that's why couldn't/wouldn't move? If so, that's pretty stupid. Stupid movie. I'm done with M. Night Shamaladingdong. I gave him another chance with this one and he disappointed once again.
I totally get that both kids face their fears and through that they survive, the boy being a germaphobe and tolerates getting s h i t smeared on his face and the girl not liking to look at herself in the mirror but looks at the bedroom mirror and gets smashed against it by the old lady and kills the old lady with one the broken pieces. Yeah, thanks, Shamaladingdong, didn't see that coming. S h i t t y movie.