The Oven


I kept thinking the Grandma was going to push Becca in, stand in front of the oven door and then turn it on!


Yeah it was kind of annoying because it ultimately goes nowhere.


It was also annoying that after the girl knew they weren't the real grandparents that she still went in the oven. What a moron.


I agree, but she couldn't really refuse without letting on that they suspected the fake grandparents. But it was the kind of annoying tease that was more likely to make me call Shyamalan a dick than to chuckle and say, "yeah, you got me!"

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I kept on thinking of Hansel and children and ovens don't ever mix.


That is really strange you say this, as i kept thinking hansel and gretel all through this movie lol glad you said this Ha.


Yes, and Nana keeps fattening up the kids like the witch in Hansel and Gretel. I kept expecting that Nana would end up in the oven herself, like in H&G!
