Are you kidding?

If people liked this Sxxx I'm going to Hollywood because I know I could write a better story!!! I thought THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was the worst horror film ever made. I have to pack now, talk to you good people later, I have to make plane reservations for Los Angles!


I thought it was worth the first five minutes just for "I am disgraced, impeached and baffled here!" Ha ha ha. More ham than a pork butchers!


Dave, where did you get the idea that if you're a good scriptwriter, you'll have a chance in Hollywood? If you wanna have success in Hollywood, you need to have good public relations, and have a project that will make money (and also, a bit of LUCK). "Quality" in scripts and movies isn't exactly Hollywood's first priority the last...many years.

And yes, of course there are some good scriptwriters and directors there, making good movies, but if you go there thinking "I'm a better scriptwriter than Shyamalan, so if he can sell a screenplay and make a movie, I can too!", well, you're on the wrong track.

And yes, I know you were joking, but just saying, because a lot of scriptwriters actually do think like that. I was one of them myself. And the funny thing is that I had Shyamalan as an example, back then! He had just done "The Sixth Sense" and had sold the screenplay for 5 million dollars I think, and I thought "wow, he took just a simple idea like this and look what he did! I can do that too!".

And of course, another big factor is the perfect timing. For example, "Blair Witch Project". A big factor of its success was that Internet was still something new back in 1999 (same year with "The Sixth Sense", coincidentally), and the directors used it to promote the "lore" around the "movie" (because they advertised it not as a movie, but as the real thing). It was the first film that did that. And of course, it was the first "found footage" film. Yes, I know there have been some before it, but as I said, it was the perfect timing. It doesn't matter if you do it first, it matters how you do it and when. And of course, like I said, if you have a bit of luck too and it goes "viral", well, you hit the jackpot!


I have to wonder- if you consistently find movies masses of others enjoy and have made large profits to be awful often, when do you stop to consider it's not the movies that suck. It's your perception of good.
