Shyamalan's return to form... really?
Now I want to start off by saying that I am not a Shyamalan hater. I loved Unbreakable, enjoyed Devil & will even defend After Earth. However, most of his films are very bad, with even The Sixth Sense being heavily overrated in my opinion. This was unfortunately no exception. It was badly written, especially with hateful characters (like the young boy who raps) and plot holes (why does the little girl go into the basement when trying to escape?). Not to mention the scares ranged from the laughable (the old woman yelling Yatzhee) to the predictable (the woman screaming in front of the camera). Meanwhile the kids often don't talk like normal kids, the twist was obvious, forced melodrama and an unbelievably bad climax. I don't get the praise that the critics seem to have given it in the slightest, especially citing it as his alleged return to form. It reminds me of when Guy Ritchie directed RockNRolla and people said similar things about that, since despite it not being that good on its own wasn't as bad as his few films prior, hence people give it a pass. But even that's unfair, since RNR was at least watchable and far better than this trash. Am I missing something? I must be because I have no idea why people claim this is M. Night's return to form and why they like it. Any help here?