MovieChat Forums > The Visit (2015) Discussion > M. Nights worst film EVER

M. Nights worst film EVER

I don't even know where to start with this film. It's just so bad in so many ways. Annoying unlikeable characters, horrible acting, boring storyline, dialogue written by Lifetime channel writers, and more "Why the *beep* are you doing that you stupid idiot!?" Moments than any film that doesn't feature a giant CGI monster could dream of. Do I even need to bring up the rapping? Or raping as my ears declared it. I could understand if this was considered a "So bad it's good" type of movie like Troll 2 or The Room. The problem is it's not. It's a complete joke of a film minus the punchline and should be viewed as a guide on how NOT to make a movie. It's time to stop letting M. Night Sorrynotsorry make films because he's been demonstrating for over a decade his severe incompetence to do so.


It's even more ironic that this is his first film in more than a decade not to be nominated for a Razzie. If anything this movie should of won ALL the Razzies for the year


I disagree. "Lady in the Water" is inferior to this one.



"Lady in the Water" is inferior to this one.

Indeed. Not only is Lady in the Water the worst Shyamalan movie (just edging out The Happening), it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen period.



Agreed. The Lady in the Water sucks!!! I really enjoyed The Visit.


Clearly you haven't seen Lady in the Water, The Last Airbender, After Earth, or The Happening. Those were all atrocious, and an embarrassment to film. This actually wasn't that bad. You didn't connect with it, and that's fine. Maybe you had to be in the "right mood", but I thought it was fun and creepy, with enough suspension of disbelief to make it plausible.

But I will give you the rapping. One scene of that was enough!


I watched The Visit yesterday evening. The first act plays out very quite well indeed, but I felt that the reveal was premature and it killed the movie stone dead, everything that came after was simply horror by numbers.

M Night cannot write screen plays for toffee, there was plenty of room to allow the story to breathe and the twist could have been one helluva sucker punch but for some inexplicable reason he decided to play his ace card far too early.

It's all a deep end.


Did you believe you'd hear decent raps from a 13 year old white suburban boy? The lack of talent was supposed to obvious and endearing. It worked for me.

If you think this is the worst, I suggest never watching Lady. Your brain would break.


All I can say after watching it is, I can't believe it's from the same guy who made Sixth Sense. The rappingcpart alone shows that this director is done.


So many haters, so little time. The movie was fine, not a masterpiece, but it was entertaining and I liked the subtle hints about the "hullabaloo" down at the center. It's a twisted take on the classic identity theft theme, two old crazies hear stories about a life they can't lead, break out of the institution, kill the story-tellers (original grandparents who were counselors) and decide to live the story for a week. Knowing the director's penchant for supernatural themes, you are not quite sure which way the movie is going to go, at least in the beginning.

I understand it may not be for everyone but I feel like people get a certain pleasure from ripping on Shyamalan. Honestly, if you don't like his movies, don't go! And better yet, don't spend your precious time writing a review about it, especially after you already "wasted and hour of your life". BTW, the run-time on the movie is 1 hr 57 mins to be exact. ;)


Have you seen The Happening???


I disagree.

I normally don't like any of his films and The Village has got to take every biscuit for sheer crappiness but I thought this one was pretty decent.
The annoying rapping brat aside, of course..
