MovieChat Forums > The Visit (2015) Discussion > Ok... maybe I had an "off" night

Ok... maybe I had an "off" night

I had my eye on this movie for a long time, did not read any reviews and was waiting for a night to watch it. So I did. I hate to be so cynical, but did anyone else find it a tad predictable and even a bit disappointing? Don't get me wrong, there were some very effective elements of creepy and even some surprising well timed laughs, but I must have had my expectations waaaaay to high for the end climax.
Also, the ending through me as I am pretty sure kids going through that wouldn't snap back to regular life that quickly. I also appreciate that M. was trying to through in a moral point too with the mom expressing not to hold on to resentment, but that also seemed oddly timed. Anyway... maybe too may horror movies in ones life time has built up my horror immunity.


No, you didn't have an "off" night. This movie is just simply slightly worse than mediocre. Night is a pretty good director but a real writing hack. I watched it because it was a DVD on the shelf of my public library, I thought "What the heck, I'll take a look." Pretty poor, IMHO.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


This movie was at your public library?? Wow your library is waaaay better than mine. But yes, thank you for the confirmation. It was pretty poor.


Our public library system orders most feature movies, and a few obscure ones, near the time they are released on DVD or BD. A good movie as many as 20 to 30 copies and they are available for request by anyone who has an account in the system. Get an email when it is on the reserve shelf at your branch and you have 10 days to pick it up, 14 days to keep it.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


20 to 30 copies of movies? Do you live in a city or very populated area? My library has a nice collection of movies, but certainly not more than a couple of each movie and I'm pretty sure that most of them are donations.


"King" the DVDs and BDs, as well as other library additions, are shared among about 30 locations within Harris County, a very populated area, but the 20 or 30 copies don't actually reside anywhere at first, they are constantly in circulation. You make a request, you get in a queue, when your turn comes it is transported to your branch specified in your library account. If you happen to be, say, #60 then you might get yours 4 to 6 weeks after all the copies come in if they buy 20 to 30 copies.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


I enjoyed it a lot. I was expecting a twist coming somewhere in the movie, but I was expecting it to be more supernatural in nature than we got, so I was surprised by it. I think that the movie did an excellent job of slowly building suspense until the end.


I liked it too. I go into most movies assuming it's just going to be mediocre. I liked it a lot. Now the Village, that one I did not like. Drug out too long and boring to me.
