MovieChat Forums > The Visit (2015) Discussion > Question About Grandpa SPOILERS

Question About Grandpa SPOILERS

So I guess I'm confused about their relationship. They were both in the psychiatric hospital. I'm assuming the "grandparents" met there? So they formed a relationship in the hospital. I can believe that but here are my questions:
1. What did Pop Pop do to get into the hospital? By setting a white thing at night with Yellow eyes? Doesn't seem like enough to be institutionalized. Especially with someone like Nana/Claire. That lady was straight up bat crap crazy.
2. That picture on the wall that Becca saw of imposter Pop pop and Nana with her real grandparents. Was crazy Claire a little less crazy at that point on medication? She had to have been in that hospital for decades.
3. They seemed to be in a real relationship.
4. OR did they get released? Wouldn't 2 missing patients and then 2 volunteers that never missed a day draw more attention?
5. This is more technical but two decomposing corpses in the basement would be smelled. Even from outside. They weren't there for years but a week or less.
6. Nana's obsession with cooking was made to seem like it was important. She was always making them food. When she said "Kitchen must clean" Maybe she worked in the kitchen at the hospital?

I don't know. I don't mind some things left for the viewer to figure out but some of this just didn't make sense. The heavy editing was really noticeable.


I see a lot of psych cases at my job so maybe this will help a bit.

1. What did Pop Pop do to get into the hospital? By setting a white thing at night with Yellow eyes? Doesn't seem like enough to be institutionalized. Especially with someone like Nana/Claire. That lady was straight up bat crap crazy.

I guess what they don't say is how he responded to the white thing with yellow eyes. If he started acting in a way that threatened himself or his coworkers because of it, then yes he definitely could get institutionalized.

2. That picture on the wall that Becca saw of imposter Pop pop and Nana with her real grandparents. Was crazy Claire a little less crazy at that point on medication? She had to have been in that hospital for decades.

Medication makes the world of a difference. Going from routinely taking it to having none at all might be the reason for how bad she actually got.

3. They seemed to be in a real relationship.

Group therapy can include both males and females... so it's possible?

4. OR did they get released? Wouldn't 2 missing patients and then 2 volunteers that never missed a day draw more attention?

They make it seem like they were released or at least were "outpatient" considering the neighbor came to confront them instead of bringing the cops along (which I'd assume is what you would do if they escaped). Also that's the only way I could see it not drawing attention.
As for two volunteers missing... it sounds like their friends were worried but I think you need to have significant proof before the cops will get involved and since the grandkids swore their grandparents were home...

5. This is more technical but two decomposing corpses in the basement would be smelled. Even from outside. They weren't there for years but a week or less.

Oh god yes. Gangrene from even a toe can stink up an entire floor. Even if it was cold I can't imagine that not smelling.

6. Nana's obsession with cooking was made to seem like it was important. She was always making them food. When she said "Kitchen must clean" Maybe she worked in the kitchen at the hospital?

She sounded like she had some OCD mixed in with everything. Cleaning might have been a ritual/coping mechanism for her.


Wow! Thank you. All very plausible answers and the grandkids saying their grandparents (who they thought anyway) were fine would make a big difference
