I had high hopes for this, the trailers creeped me out, once I saw M nights name in the opening credits I groaned out loud. The dialogue was awful, the kids were obnoxious, especially the rapping attempts. It kept trying to be scary but it wasn't, it usually helps to scare you if you don't actually want to see the protagonists die for being so goddamn obnoxious
What was awful about it? Certainly it's stylised; it's not natural; it's not written the way people speak "in real life", but then the movie isn't real life. Beyond that, I found the dialog to be incredibly well written; almost literary.
the kids were obnoxious, especially the rapping attempts
Most kids are obnoxious. Obnoxious characters being obnoxious doesn't make a movie bad. Characters don't have to be likable for us to want them to survive.
It kept trying to be scary but it wasn't
It's all subjective. I don't think the film was necessarily trying to be scary but rather suspenseful, or at the least unsettling.
Your criticism of the film is rather hyperbolic and entitled. I don't really buy it. Seems like you're being excessively unpleasant about the film in order to seek attention.
Every single line of dialogue by the kids was god awful. And yes dialogue does have to feel natural for it to be good dialogue. A fifteen year old girl constantly saying how she's not pretentious and is gonna win an oscar for her documentary? Always telling people where to stand for the shot? A 12 year old boy comparing himself to Tyler The Creator...that's written in because it's probably the only rapper M night knew of. All their lines were forced and cartoonish, rather than interesting or character defining...that's bad dialogue
Yes characters do need to be likeable for me to root for their survival. We're not supposed to like the villains, but the protagonists are people we need to be able to get behind. Kids can be obnoxious yes, I know a lot of kids that age but none that obnoxious. Ever since they came on screen I hated them. The most likeable character was probably the train conductor, even that was completely realistic cuz you'll never meet a conductor that talkative or happy...trust me, I ride the train a lot.
It wasn't scary or unsettling to me. I found most of it to be laughable. Again these are just my opinions. You clearly seem to like the movie and that's fine. Don't attack me saying that I only disliked the movie to gain attention...I disliked it because I truly found it to be a bad movie. This is a site for people to post their opinions on a film and that is all I did. You can agree or disagree, that's kind of how this works.
"Yes dialogue does have to feel natural for it to be good dialogue."
All I had to read to realize that you're just another idiot rube with an IMDb account. They can't take down these forums fast enough. Go read some Shakespeare and take a drama class, you illiterate philistine.
Actually I am a huge movie goer and love most movies, for everything in them. I am also a writer myself and if you must know had straight As in English class so I am quite far off from being illiterate. As I said I did not enjoy the movie for those reasons and that is strictly my opinion. You attacking me and calling me illiterate because you disagree? You, yourself, are part of the reason this site is getting rid of message boards.
I agree with your assessment of the movie. It's a good basic premise and I can't think of any story like it but the writing is so poor. As usual, the kids parts are outrageously precocious. The actors were good, I liked how it looked but the kids' dialogue was ridiculous.
you protecting a piece of turd. the movie was nothing. empty. boring crap. there was nothing in this movie. and yet you dare to protect it. you are a fool
Little late to the party huh, Prank_Garrett. Good thing these boards come down for good soon. That way people won't see how freaking STUPID you are for too long.
Anyone ever tell you that you look like Prince Charles with those ears?