NCIS is not under the DOJ and other errors
The recent episode was loaded with factual errors.
1) NCIS agents do not interview special agent applicants. That's done via personnel.
2) NCIS does not take the lead in investigating aircraft crashes. That's the NTSB, who have the expertise to do so.
3) The DOJ oversees several law enforcement agencies such as the DEA and FBI, but the NCIS is under the Department of the Navy. The DOJ would have no say in where the NCIS office was located and who they employ.
4) You cannot locate where a radio signal is being received, such as a van. You can locate where it originates.
5) Every mobile device does not automatically connect to "the cloud". Doing so is optional.
6) A crash such as the one shown would not be survivable. Even if a passenger survived it, he would not be ambulatory as was depicted.
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-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters