Spoiler Percy and lasalle

From tvline
Is NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleansputting LaSalle and Percy together as love interests? I think that would be cool. You always see black male characters with white females as love interests, but not vice versa. —Lois
Although the lingering hug they shared in the season finale did trigger some awkwardness between the two of them, the driving force behind it has never been fully addressed. Yet. But it will come up again.


Love it!


So is LaSalle REALLY the father of the little boy Tucker, seems LaSalle had a one night stand w/some girl when she was there for the Jazz Festival? Well we know he will definitely get a paternity test done; I'm hoping its NOT his kid, although the little boy is adorable. Also why is the "ditzy mom" telling LaSalle about this now, she had plenty of opportunities to let him know - like when she found out she was pregnant... seems like a "filler" story line just to throw some drama into the mix.


I can't wait!! I'm mad about that baby! lol


How is this a spoiler? As as far as pairing a black woman with a white man. Have you ever seen Scandal? Shonda Rhimes has been doing that for years.
