Brody out? Me too.

This will free up some space on my DVR.


Same here. It was bad enough that they got rid of Zoe McClellan, but to fall back on the old "investigating the team, someone must be dirty" tactic? Old, tired. If the writers couldn't write for Zoe they should have gotten new writers. I am so sick of teams being investigated. Any time the writers are stuck they fall back on this premise. I have gone through this with far too many shows, only in the end to find that SURPRISE!--the team is clean after all. Or, worse someone we know did the right thing is excoriated and punished for it.

Why do writers think we want the internal drama? It infects every show from time to time, and if I want serious drama, I'll watch one. I don't watch the NCIS franchise shows for team drama. It reminds me of the show a few years back that highlighted people chasing tornadoes (the name escapes me). It started out as an interesting show highlighting the science behind chasing storms, what they were doing to find ways of warning people, and spectacular footage. It eventually became a contest to see who got to the storm first and fights between the teams and among the team members--which is why I stopped watching.

I love Bakula and Black and like the rest of the team, but I don't know if I can continue watching NCIS NO. No fun any more.


I agree, bad, bad writing, no new ideas...this is so old why bother watching. Maybe the writers need to get out in the real world and find some new ideas.

And the new characters are just pulled from other old shows that story lines like this failed miserably.

So time to drop this show from my drop list.


In agreement. I've knocked my rating down a star for the episodes in this season alone. The original NCIS did this sort of thing and regularly got away with it but this year has even soured me for that show.


My wife and I both hate the new format. We are out until they bring Brody back.


There's no new format and they're not bringing her back. So...


I'm with you.


What was wrong with Brody/Zoe? I liked her character. She had some depth. I detest this idiotic new FBI chick. I want to smack off her hideous trout pout. I can't stand her acting, and her accent gets on my nerves. I know she can't help it, but I'm looking for any excuse to get rid of her and bring Brody back. I don't want to see this annoying character threatening the team each week. She needs to go.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


There was nothing wrong with Brody. it's my understanding that the actress chose to leave the show because of issues in her personal life. I think it was a divorce and custody issues.

~ My patronus is a '67 Impala ~


Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear Zoe is having problems. Why do the good ones always have to go?

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


I don't want to see this annoying character threatening the team each week. She needs to go.

She's not going anywhere. But I doubt that she'll be fighting with the team over what to do every time, instead I'm pretty sure she's gonna learn to do things Pride's way. After all, that's how it always goes with NCIS. When they bring in agents from other agencies they end up acting like NCIS-agents.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


Ferlito may not be going anywhere, but I might be. I tried watching this week's episode by avoiding looking at the screen whenever she's around. That at least kept me from feeling sick over her hideous trout pout and botched nose; the awful acting and accent still annoyed me, though. If she keeps dominating each episode, I may have to give up a show I otherwise like. I can't keep getting that aggravated each week.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


It's not the same with the new chick. She's very unimpressive.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I think when producers make a change they try not to give us the same type of person that was there before, so they had to do something really different than Brody. But the person who plays the FBI chic, she's just not getting it with the team. There isn't the same chemistry with everyone and I can't see it happening. Don't like her at all.

If Brody can't come back, please replace the FBI chic with somebody different let her go back to Jersey or where she came from. Hopefully Zoe would/could/might have some things figured out -- and wouldn't that be a surprise, if they could/would bring her back?! What a delightful change and plot element, things like that just don't go the viewer's way very often so I'm not holding my breath.

Producers, please take listen!! Love the NO backdrop, and other cast, but this character just does not fit. Can't force it. Miss Brody.


I'm not watching because I cannot stand Vanessa Ferlito as an actress, so I'm not quite sure here. But from what I've read, the new character is basically a carbon copy of Percy. If that's true, they didn't really create a new character, they just repeated an existing one. Sure, she'd be different from Brody, but hardly anything new.


That was my point, different from Brody. I didn't think it was a copy of Percy.
