I'd want telepathy, but it would have to be really powerful. Look through other peoples eyes, or even animals, take full over control over anybody or just go along for the ride. Project my image, or any image I could come up with into everybody around, and cloak myself and other things. Would be nice if it was really long distance to, so I could keep my real body in a fortress in space or under the ocean or something. Maybe even learn to not need a body at all and just exist in the minds of everybody else, know everything, feel everything, see, hear and taste everything all at once all the time. I know that means I'd have to die hundreds of horrible deaths every minute, be borne thousands of times a day and all that, but I'd also be able to direct the world to become how I wanted it. And if I could understand everybody and feel all of their pain and pleasure all the time, then the world I would build would benefit everyone as I'd more then likely wanna eliminate as much suffering as possible while maximizing pleasure. My selfishness would end up benefiting everyone if I was everyone after all :P