MovieChat Forums > Sugar Mountain (2016) Discussion > I got passed caring at 1 hour 10 minutes...

I got passed caring at 1 hour 10 minutes into the movie

So I whizzed through to 1 hour 30, and then whizzed a bit more.

This movie could have been much better but it was overly long by about 30 minutes, and I had a hard time dealing with the blond cop being the father to that brunette. Everyone looked more or less the same age. The mother was the same age as the sons, right? Looked that way.

Also that interminable music running through the movie was so depressing.

Only a 4/10.


They kept adding features that did nothing to help this storyline. Like the man being dead but then not being dead? How did he get out of the vehicle without them noticing it? Then the part where they find out that the cop is his dad? What did that add to the movie? And was the blonde that tried to have sex with him in the vehicle related to someone? There were just too many extras added in there for the movie to make a lot of sense


Like the man being dead but then not being dead? How did he get out of the vehicle without them noticing it?

Lauren simply made a wrong diagnosis and thus Joe wasn't really dead (she wasn't in the medical field). Later, Joe obviously woke up in the vehicle and heard the intense arguing nearby. He slyly got out of the vehicle through one of the doors that wasn't facing the argument and bided his time for the right moment to make his move. Since the others were yelling at each other in a life or death situation they simply didn't notice.

Then the part where they find out that the cop is his dad? What did that add to the movie?

It was a revelation of the cop's past sins. The sins of the fathers in years past bear bad fruit in the present.

And was the blonde that tried to have sex with him in the vehicle related to someone?

Not that I'm aware; she just had the hots for Liam.


I had a hard time dealing with the blond cop being the father to that brunette. Everyone looked more or less the same age.

Nah, Cary Elwes & Melora Walters played the cop father & his wife and they were born in 1962 and 1960 respectively. The actress who plays their daughter was born in 1985. The guy who played Miles was born in 1986 and the guy who played his brother looked significantly younger. So the ages of the cast were just fine.

Yes, the cop dad had blond hair, but the mother had dark hair. So the daughter got her hair color from her mother.
