LOST ????

The polar bear special affects are almost as high quality as the white rug thing and the white snow boots used on LOST.
That being said. How can you not consider this B movie spectacle a winner?!!?


B? I give it a F, in every possible way.


B-movie isn't a grade of film, it's a style. Back in the classic era of film there would be two flicks on a ticket, the A-Movie and the B-Movie. The A picture would be the one the patrons generally went out intending to see, while the B-Movie would be attached. It's kinda like the A and B sides of a vinyl or cassette.
Generally a B-Movie would be of a much lower budget than the A, which is what got people equating B with quality, and typically it'd be a sci-fi or horror and given the low budget with more outlandish things to be done on that budget, things would then of course wind up rather cheesy looking, which is one of many reasons why scifi and horror have been held in pretty low regard, generally.


Sage words mate, I'm glad someone can attempt to educate the many kids with mistaken and preconceived ideas on terms they've heard of but have no inkling of its true meaning. Double features were the norm and were gave lower budget movie makers a fair chance of exposure when shown alongside headlining films.


LMAO! I give it a F too.
The Divine Genealogy Goddess


There were 3 parts near the beginning that started this movie off on a bad foot - first was the Photo shoot - The Native brought out tourists to a site with just a pistol - thats laughable - a Native Alaskan/Guide would bring out at least a rifle - also another mistake there - 5 people on 2 snow skis - 2nd when Graham Greenes character arrives at the cabin where the others are staying and complains that something has been eating his traps and finds out the bad news and leaves - its night time walking through the woods carrying fresh meat without a weapon = UNREAL - Lastly the Polar Bear itself didnt even look like polar bear - more like a hybrid of a brown bear and werewolf painted white - doesnt anyone do research anymore - the biggest give away is the snout/nose and shape of the head


Were you getting popcorn when it was explained that the animal had been created using bear and wolf DNA?


No! It was man bear pig! LOL. That thing was ridiculous. The whole film was ridiculous.

I drank what?


Agreed Gabe, the only horror in this flick is the fact it was created.


I don't know why, as I'm not nuts (I know, those who are nuts often say they aren't...LOL), but whenever there was a scene where they heard a noise or something outside, I would yell "It's Man-Bear-Pig!" at the screen. My girlfriend thought I was losing it. LMAO.

To add, I've never seen the South Park episode regarding Man Bear Pig, I just remember the name from the title. LOL.

I drank what?


LoL yeah I think I remember that episode and M-B-P was a lot friendlier than this abomination of nature! Maybe its our age group ( Im a year younger than yourself ) but I do the same things in movies, take semi-relevant quotes from other movies or TV shows and incorporate them into what Im watching just for laughs 8) I call it onion wit because it has multiple layers of meaning. And it sometimes makes people cry...


LMAO! I haven't made anyone cry yet, but I'm still relatively young. Heh heh.

I drank what?


Hahahaa! There's still time. Plenty of time 8)

