MovieChat Forums > Unnatural (2015) Discussion > Slow start, boring movie, saved by good ...

Slow start, boring movie, saved by good actors.

Thank god they hired some experienced actors.
You can fast forward through the first 60 minutes and not miss a thing.


I had a somewhat different take than you (having seen it in a theater with all of 6 people, including myself)

I'm curious why you thought it was a slow start? I felt they did the perfunctory opening death, then the introductions of the cannon fodder, and then bam, it was on to some killing with the photo shoot. It seemed the same as every other horror movie.

(some spoilers below)
Unlike you, I actually was annoyed with the actors at some points, and I don't just mean their characters. The assistant who hid the light measure in the photographers hat annoyed me with her inflexion at some points. The sex girl did get killed off first, so that was typical, but she also didn't click for me. The other model was asleep most of the film, And my biggest complaint about the characters was that Nate didn't get an onscreen kill. He deserved it!


Even the acting was horrendous...

can't outrun your own shadow


I really enjoyed this movie,and the only ones at the lodge that had it coming was that dopey model that said that racist remark about Nate,and the photographer!I also enjoyed Alaska's beauty...Magnificent!

Accomplishments Have No Color.


The 'native' actors were good enough. Fenn was pretty good. And Remar acting off the group of cardboard cutouts put an extra shine on just how bad they were. Geezus were they bad. James Remar must have felt like he was asked to shoot a movie with people who've never had an acting class.

But the photographer guy. Holy Criminy. Worst actor doing worst character. The whole time I thought he was trying to be George Costanza when he violently shoved old women and little kids aside when he thought there was a fire. Except it wasn't funny. Just really annoying.



What are Remar and Fenn doing in this stinkbomb? Hard up for cash?


Slow start, boring movie, saved by .. nothing, it was not saved.


Good Times, Noodle Salad


Bad acting,bad movie,bad special affects. Waste of time.
