I Just Saw This

In a way it was disappointing, but in another, it's what it claimed to be. A Jim Jones-type of guy (Thomas Jane) commits suicide with is cult, and several years later, the lone survivor -- Sara -- returns to the scene with a film crew headed by Jessica Alba. I won't give away any spoilers, but it was not good in my opinion. I'll give it 4 stars when I can vote. The acting was fine, but the story line was wanting. It was very slow to the point that it dragged in many places. I started it around 9:30 in the morning, and I was falling asleep half-way through. Much of the coloring looked like a transition between black-and-white and color, giving it a somewhat grayish look. Maybe I just saw a bad copy. It's not a found-footage film. I do not recommend.


It felt pointless and the "twist" (if it's even that) was easily figured out halfway in. By the end, there was no payoff. Seemed like we missed a whole third act - that's how anti-climatic the ending was. I can see why I've never heard of this movie until now, and why it's not going to theaters.


It was okay. The actors did a nice job, but it was lacking some common sense. Another person on this board compared it to the film "skeleton key." I can see why, but skeleton key made sense. It required a little suspension of disbelief, but not much. This film, however, made such extreme jumps that it was kind of stupid. Nothing was explained to my satisfaction- I know this is "supernatural" but c'mon! There has to be some tethers to reality in order to make it scary.


Oh, yeah, I can understand the comparison to The Skeleton Key. And you're right. That movie made more sense than this mess.


Skeleton Key is leagues better than this.

This wasn't terrible.. I have seen way worse horror films.. but it just wasn't good either.. it started off alright but like someone else said the 'twist' was easily predictable.. so much so that I doubt you can even call it a twist.. in fact its probably figured out by most viewers way before half way through the film. I am a fan of horror and I adore Jessica alba so I wanted to like it... but I have to say this is the worst film I have seen her in. if you want a decent horror with Jessica alba then watch 'the eye'.. its no way near as good as the Japanese original but it is at least a decent remake and tons better than this film at least.


Very true, Jay. The Eye wasn't bad, and I too like Jessica Alba, which is why I even gave this movie a watching. Though, with her company priced at $1.8 billion, she probably acts more as a hobby nowadays than for any other reason.


I know :( she doesnt even need to act anymore.. makes me sad lol

oh well lol.. a sin city type role here and there would be awesome.. but this film? I get she gets credited first.. but its really .. kind of bad.


Hong kong-singaporian does not Japanese make ;P~ but I thought the eye was Korean before looking it up...so.. Yeah. Lol


Much of the coloring looked like a transition between black-and-white and color, giving it a somewhat grayish look.

I don't get why they do this type of thing. Why film in color when you're going to desaturate the movie to the point of grayscale anyway?


Yeah, that was odd. Most movies would've made the scenes in the present very much color so the audience could differentiate between the flashbacks with Thomas Jane.


I watched it for Lily Rabe, and ended up being pretty disappointed. The script was just not good.
