I thought that Moana was more realistic than the Brave girl(forgot her name), and Moana did learn to be more considerate and polite.
She started like a little monster, but she grew up and matured. A little. She admitted to her mistakes which is what a good role model should do, rather than Superman Mind-wipe everything with a kiss.
She went to search for Maui because her island was dying. Before that, she was ready to give up on her dream to sail the sea to become the chieftain her people needed.
But sure, that's totally selfish and inconsiderate, she left on a dangerous journey just to have fun and party.
She asks help all the time and admit her own mistakes.
I don't even know who you are talking about...
... But certainly not about Moana. I think you watched a different movie. She was awkward and unsure of herself, she kept her composure only because the ocean was there to support her and she was pushed by her dream and her grandmother memory, as well as the love for her people and her anger for what Maui did.
What ever happened to modesty?
She never brags because she knows she has a lot of shortcomings, but that doesn't mean she has to be shy and never take matter into her hands or improve herself.
Is probably one of the most annoying ways to ask someone to teach them something and then even get away with it.
Maui is a complete jerk at this point of their journey (he left her on his island and sailed away!), and asking nicely won't be enough. Sometimes, it's important to tell people exactly what you want and not back down. Not accepting being bullied is important.
Feminism really killed femininity.
Your idea of feminity is probably a shy girl wearing a dress and smiling awkwardly with her head down and always agreeing with you.
It's your post and ideas that are poison to young girls minds, implying the only way to be a "real woman" is to be submitted and quiet. You don't care about who they are, only what you want them to be. You certainly don't consider girls as full human beings and I can feel your misoginy through your tone and every word of your post.
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Can't agree more. Better have this portrayal of an "annoyying, selfish, arrogant" girl than that "sweet, calm, humble" girl... Life's so boring with all these perfecly nice characters I suppose, lol. Go, Moana, go!
I agree with your points, Therru. It's actually horrifying that anyone equates feminine with being submissive.
OP, being submissive isn't healthy for anyone or for relationships. The opposite, aggressive, isn't healthy either. The goal is to strike the balance and be assertive. Assertiveness shows a healthy respect for the self and others.
I agree with your points, Therru. It's actually horrifying that anyone equates feminine with being submissive.
OP, being submissive isn't healthy for anyone or for relationships. The opposite, aggressive, isn't healthy either. The goal is to strike the balance and be assertive. Assertiveness shows a healthy respect for the self and others.
Very well said! This is a girl who gave up on her dreams for the betterment of her people. Only when their lives were on the line that she put her own life on the line multiple times to help them. Maui wasn't listening to her, he was arrogant, and selfish, she got his attention. Funny that everything you described Moana supposedly is, is what Maui the male figure was. Why was that not mentioned? Oh because it is acceptable with a male? Sheesh there is all kinds of wrong thinking with the OP.
How did she give up on her dreams??? Her dream was to sail And she didn't only try to go to when the island was in danger. She tried every secomd, from a small baby.
And this is why I feel Judy Hopps is a much better role model!
She worked hard for what she got, she was never selfish or full of her self, she was brave and confident but also honest and kindhearted. And when she made a mistake she admitted to it and apologized. She proved that a story can have a strong female that isn't afraid of a fight but also can be an extremely caring and gentle individual at the same time. No one is perfect but we all have to try to be the best we can be!
No one is perfect but we all have to try to be the best we can be
Sums up Moana: Has no idea what she's doing and admits it. She is kind and empathetic to the point of giving up her dreams for her people. The only reason she goes out to the ocean is as a leader, it's her responsibility to save them. She helps Maui with his inner turmoil but she also mistakes her status as the Chosen One as enabling her to do more than she really can. She only succeeds when she realizes who Te Ka really is and uses her kindness and empathy to restore the heart.
She's not perfect, but she definitely tries to the best she can be no matter what life throws at her, whether it's giving up her dream to lead her people or sailing the ocean to save them.
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