This movie's biggest flaw

Overall I really liked this film. Having read The Disaster Artist there were certain elements I wish had been adapted more accurately but I've never seen a biopic that didn't take significant liberties with the truth.

But for me the biggest flaw was with Dave Franco. He's a fine actor and a good looking guy but physically he is just much smaller in stature than the real Greg Sestero. If they wanted to have Dave playing the part, they should've just owned the fact that the two bear no resemblance to one another and let him just play the part looking like himself. Him being done up to look like Greg, particularly with the longer hair (wig?) and beard, made him look like a kid dressed up as Mark from The Room. Where James Franco truly morphed into Tommy Wiseau, Dave Franco in costume was distracting because he looked so unnatural.

The wig on Josh Hutchinson was also distracting but he had a much smaller part so it wasn't as noticeable. Still give this film a thumbs up, but it's not quite perfect.


agreed, broseph


I am not so sure brobeans.


you must be of short stature,
your defensiveness of the diminutive Franco bro leads me to believe you are under 6 foot, and, therefore, bitter


I just saw it and I don't think my brain articulated it to itself while watching but having just read your post I realize I felt this way myself throughout the film. Maybe it was because I was so impressed with how much J. Franco looked and sounded like Tommy that I couldn't focus too much on how little D. Franco looked like Greg. I do think they had to do the at least the beard. I wonder if they could've used some prosthetics.


Sestero still looks youthful enough to play himself (or Tommy for that matter since he nailed the accent in his audiobook), but I agree that the lesser Franco's appearance did not evoke Sestero beyond the superficial hairstyle and beard styling.


I completely agree. Especially when compared to his brother, who was Tommy incarnate in this movie, Dave was miscast badly. And when he had longer hair and beard he looked so artificial, like a small cartoonish version of Greg.

The actress portraying Lisa was also nothing like the original but she had a really small part in this movie. Which was also kind of disappointing considering how important this character was in The Room.

Overall, the Disaster Artist was quite satisfying.


I thought Dave F did pretty ok here with the performance side. Who would have done better? Also it makes sense that the actress playing Lisa didn't get so much to do. This film was more about the production side of things and she didn't have much to do with that.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-
