MovieChat Forums > Bloodline (2015) Discussion > It's like a better Written version of "H...

It's like a better Written version of "How to get away with Murder"

The shows are becoming quite similar



Except for the fact that "How to Get Away with Murder" is simplistic, unwatchable garbage that appeals to people with the attention span of a 3 year old, and "Bloodline" is one of the most intelligent, painstakingly well-done shows in the history of television, I agree with you.


"Bloodline" is one of the most intelligent, painstakingly well-done shows in the history of television, I agree with you.

Not in this or any other dimension.

Watchable? First season for sure.

"painstakingly well-done shows in the history of television?

You're either delusional or about 13 and haven't seen a lot of TV.


"How To Get Away With Murder" is artificial and full of babbling idiots.
Bloodline has extremely real characters, and has a very reflective and deep tone.
