for those who have made it to this season, and still are complaining
I have a question, For those of you who have made it to this season and still are bitching about the show. WHY?? You must like it or you would have not made it this far. It just boggles me that people are still bashing the show but yet, still watching it! I can understand if it is still the first season BUT ITS NOT! and your still watching and still bitching!. WHY.. That tells alot about you. You remind me of that episode of SouthPark MAKE LOVE NOT WARCRAFT with the fat guy in the background.. You just sit there and make problems. Get out of your moms basement and do something with your life.. GEEZE. Its a good show. And once again .. if you dont like it DONT WATCH IT.. there is allways someithing on your level like Spongebob Square Pants..
I remember the immortal words of Socrates who said.." I drank WHAT?".....Real Genius..