MovieChat Forums > Scorpion (2014) Discussion > SCORPION Season 3 Episode 6 Photos Bat P...

SCORPION Season 3 Episode 6 Photos Bat Poop Crazy

Promo pics from 3x06


Thanks for the link. I love Ralph's costume... who ever heard of a kid dressing up as cherry pies?! And Cabe saved a lot of money on his costume by dressing up as... a government agent!

As for the description of the episode, it talks about Walter's upcoming immigration inspection. Since it's been 6 years (and 2 to go) for him, why hasn't there been an inspection before now? If there had been, the rest of the team would most likely have known about it and the matter of his marriage probably would have come up and raised questions. If this is the 1st inspection, I wonder what happened to cause it? Did Happy decide to file for a divorce or annulment? I'm anxious to find out. Now if the writers would just do something about this pregnancy that's sure to gum up the works. Other posters have mentioned a false positive, which would be a great way to resolve this pointless storyline. Fingers crossed that Happy got a defective stick!


Okay, that sounds like a plan. She really isn't pregnant.

Let's have her divorce Walter first- before she finds out, and have Paige marry him to keep him in country.

Just my shipper heart talking......."Wiage"
