Chinese character keyboard
That was the most ridiculous part of a ridiculous episode. I've lived in China for 7 years, and never seen a chinese character only keyboard. Not even on chinese brand computers.
shareThat was the most ridiculous part of a ridiculous episode. I've lived in China for 7 years, and never seen a chinese character only keyboard. Not even on chinese brand computers.
shareThat was mainly to show Cabe's lack of technology knowledge. I love how they tease him. Especially when he was saying he was taping them and he was told it was digital. I still say I taped something rather then I recorded it. Lol
Who else here still use outdated phrases?
I check "the answering machine" for messages...
it's voice mail and it's on my phone.....
I also tape shows... on my dvr.... which of course is digital....
I still say I taped something rather then I recorded it.*SMILE* you should have used "...rather than I...".
In the James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies", the female lead had a Chinese character keyboard. That was several years ago though.
I'm not trying to be dumb but why aren't there Chinese character keyboards?
why aren't there Chinese character keyboards?
Well, that DOES make sense then. I honestly had no idea that there were so many characters in the Chinese alphabet. Thanks for the reply.
While it has been so long ago, I do not remember just how long ago, I read an article about "computers" replacing actual Chinese typewriters (mechanical, that is), with their over 300 individual keys! The users were not exactly rushing to adopt the computer keyboards because they had to remember what key combinations/sequences created the individual characters. Tradition, you know...
*smirk* I guess they did NOT have portable typewriters then, (unless they had wheels)! *smirk*
On the more factual side though, there are many different dialects of spoken "Chinese" languages; of course there are many languages, not just one!
That would contribute to the (mentioned) "over 3000 characters". The other facts relate to the official Chinese language having been declared to be Mandarin Chinese, but that has been more and more replaced with another Chinese language due to its larger use in commerce, (I actually do not remember the name of that Chinese language though).
For history buffs, the previous world language of diplomacy was French.
Yes, a little knowledge can be a "dangerous thing", like this example of Chinese language in the show!
(And there are far, far, too many other examples in the series to even begin to attempt to mention, never mind trying to explain...)
I also "rewind" my DVR recordings when I miss a part!
Don't bother sweating over your bills, in the end we all wind up in the hole!
I still listen to "records" and "tapes". I also talk about "dialing" a phone.
But even worse, I actually don't even HAVE a cell phone. I hate them. If it would ring when I was away from home, I would get annoyed. I don't like to talk on the phone when I am out running errands or shopping. I started to leave it at home and finally got rid of it.
I am a technology dinosaur.
No, the most rediculous part of that episode was the entire plotline where they supposedly have to run all over the city to track down a computer hacking into the server farm instead of just taking 2 seconds to block the hackers ip address on the firewall, or all outgoing traffic for that matter, among probably hundreds of other solutions that all would have been done at the server within moments of the hack rather than chasing a laptop across the whole city. The whole episode screamed of "that's not how any of that works!"
shareThe whole episode screamed of "that's not how any of that works!"