MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > The Grandmaster: Jeff Goldblum

The Grandmaster: Jeff Goldblum

The plot thickens.. Particularly with Mr.Goldblums acting style.


In all seriousness, introducing Grandmaster is the most exciting thing about the MCU since Thanos turned around at the end of Avengers.


Lest not forget The Collector!! The Elders and Omnipotent characters seemed so risky to put on screen. But leave it to Marvel to at least attempt to capture the most powerful beings, aside from The Beyonder, on the big screen. I really wanted to see The Collector more than Thanos. Too me, he's more mysterious. But someone who stands toe to toe vs. Galactus, I too am excited to see Thanos get his ass off that throne and throw a punch or two. Or simply how vicious he seems and how that will translate through The Gauntlet. Super stoked!! I've read Thanos has an infatuation with Death herself. Marvel is hip deep in coolness. People are going gaga over Cap AP. Wait until the big boys come out to play!!


He will be intriguing, indeed. I think of him as more of a GOTG character or a Fantastic 4 character than a Thor character, but it does show that the Asgardians are not all-powerful and have serious threats to them.

And I am curious as to how Jeff Goldblum will play him.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


And they've done it so subtly too. They haven't led on to what the Collector really is yet, but now that the Grandmaster is coming, I'm certain they'll eventually talk about what he really is.

And yes, Thanos has an infatuation with Death. It sort of sounds like you aren't super familiar, so I'll just say it's a concept he's obsessed with, at least in the comics. He'll think nothing of killing to gain the approval of death itself.

And nobody is 100% sure yet, but the Hela character in Thor 3 is the Norse god of death. Now that isn't exactly the same as death in the comics but in many ways it is, and seems highly likely that they will make her the embodiment of death that Thanos' lusts over.


i'm kind of leaning towards the grandmaster assuming the role that mephesto had in the infinity wars comics


Marvel is kicking butt in casting. Jeff is a great fit for a Thor film.


I'm really, really excited about Jeff Goldblum in this role. We better get the Grandmaster and Benicio Del Toro as the Collecter hamming it up on onscreen together in the Infinity War films.


I agree that I would like to see a bit of history about who those two are exactly, although I never say "we better get", because I don't feel entitled.

I'm also curious if any other Elders show up now.


By bringing in The Grandmaster w/Thor & Hulk, I feel this is a way to kind of bring in the Planet Hulk storyline to the MCU. Instead of Death, it's possible Hela will take her place.


um, Yeah, eh, um, Maybe, eh, could, um, um, um, Be, eh, um, a good, eh, um, aa, um character... eh, um. May-- Um, aa, BE.


Awh, sweet! This is finally starting to sound really good. :)


Yeah, it's a safe bet that the Grandmaster is going to manipulating Thor and Hulk into fighting each other....


Going to have to wait til Dr. strange to get more heavyweights like The Living Tribunal, Ego, Eternity and Dormammu...


Actually, Ego is going to be in Guardians Vol. 2.


I was always hoping the planet Hive was on in SHIELD was Ego but with him being in a movie I can see where that idea got nixed...




And now Jeff gives us a little something to talk about...


I'm curious to see his costume and hair. The Collector was already very ornate and flamboyant, I'd like to see how his brother contrasts.

I think I know precisely what I mean when I say it's a shpadoinkle day!


This is exciting!

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.
