I rewatched Thor: The Dark World last night...
...And I still don't really understand the hate. It's a very solid film that certainly doesn't deserve the bottom of the barrel in the MCU. It's loads better than Hulk 08, both Iron Man sequels, the first Cap film and I enjoyed it more than both the first Thor and Ultron (suffered from pacing and story issues.)
There were certainly negatives to the story, Darcy's intern for one. Whomever thought up that idea and actually talked someone into putting it into the script/movie hopefully has lost their job. Malekith was certainly underdeveloped as well, but the film overall could have benefitted from an extra 20 minutes, but that's really it. I don't really see any other improvements that need to be made. So why do people *beep* all over it??
Beyond those few little negatives, I found quite a few positives. I still say that the Thor cast is the most impressive amongst the MCU and TDW is no exception, the cast are superb in their roles. Along with Evans and Downey, I'd say Hemsworth/Hiddleston/Hopkins are the next best cast in the MCU. The Cinemetography is beautiful in the film as is the score, the best example is Frigga's death scene (another standout sequence in the MCU.) The action scenes are fun with all of the dimension hopping, and the film ends with an excellent cliffhanger.
Where does the film rank for you in the MCU and why?