Bucky seems oddly OK with killing all those people
Am I the only one who was really surprised at how complacent and OK Bucky seemed to be with remembering that he was the Winter Soldier?
I mean, in the comic books, Bucky is horrified and anguished over remembering that he had killed so many people, to the point where he tells Steve "You should have killed me."
Here...nothing. Bucky's entire attitude toward this film seems to be almost like he's stoned. Calm, blank-faced, just kind of a "meh" attitude, like being the Winter Soldier didn't bother him all that much.
Why is that? Lazy writing? Sebastian Stan not being that good of an actor? Maybe too many characters so the writers just focused on Iron Man and Scarlet Witch (who seemed to be the only two characters who really got any attention)?
It was just weird. I was expecting Bucky to be at least a LITTLE upset that he woke up from 60 years of mind control to discover he had murdered scores of innocent people. But he doesn't seem to care at all. He's totally deadpan, even when being put into the hibernation chamber. Stan speaks his lines like he's talking to the cashier while checking out at WalMart. Disappointing.