When he found out about the beating he was very surprised that it occurred, so there is no manipulation in there. Manipulation would mean that it was intentional
"According to Kernberg, antisocial, borderline, and narcissistic personality disorders are all organized at a borderline level of personality organization,[6] and the three share some common characterological deficits and overlapping personality traits, with deceitfulness and exceptional manipulative abilities being the most common traits among the three. Sociopaths, borderlines, and narcissists are often both physically attractive (narcissists and borderlines in particular) and highly intelligent and can be efficient, persuasive, and incredible liars.[6] Other shared traits include pathological narcissism,[6] consistent irresponsibility, machiavellianism, lack of empathy,[7] cruelty, meanness, impulsivity, proneness to self-harm and addictions,[8] interpersonal exploitation, hostility, anger and rage, vanity, emotional instability, rejection sensitivity, perfectionism, and the use of primitive defence mechanisms that are pathological and narcissistic. Common narcissistic defences include splitting, denial, projection, projective identification, primitive idealization and devaluation, distortion (including exaggeration, minimization and lies)"
Sound familiar???? Sounds exactly like Kevin and his mother.