MovieChat Forums > American Crime (2015) Discussion > season 2 - taylor's mom was in the wrong

season 2 - taylor's mom was in the wrong

Taylor's mother was in the wrong. She kept pursuing this rape issue even after Taylor kept saying he just wanted it to stop. He said time and time again that he just wanted her to drop it. Why didn't she just leave it?? It was obvious that all this rape drama was causing everyone ( Taylor, Eric, the basketball team, Anne) stress. Why did she keep going?


I agree, it seemed that he had moved on and was putting his life back together. He seemed happy in the scene with Evy until she came home and outed him in front her and everything took a nose dive. Though he was wrong for his lies, it seemed that in everyone's best interest to just drop it, but the mother had her own agenda, nothing to do with Taylor, otherwise she would have noticed what it was doing to him. She was doing regardless of who she hurting. So because of her breaking her promise to Taylor, someone died, people lost their jobs,families broken apart and Taylor's life is ruined, for what?


*sigh* parents are so silly sometimes. They say they do certain things in their kids" interest but in reality it's to further their own agenda. Or whats even worst is when they think theyre doing everything for their kids without even listening to what the kids say. Anne in this show was an excellent example of this.


The storyline made it clear that Taylor's mom had some emotional challenges or some sort of situation where Taylor had to spend time away from her. So clearly her approach to Taylor might not be as balanced as one might hope a parent could be. On the other hand, she did the best she could do under some terrible circumstances that she was presented with. She was certainly no pushover. With the kind of folks involved, many parents might have wilted.


I agree his mother was way out of line. But what I don't understand is why Taylor didn't put his foot down and say no from the very beginning. The police made it clear they couldn't do anything without Taylor's cooperation. So why did he cooperate in those early episodes and agree not only to the interrogation but a rape exam?! If he had just refused outright, none of the events that followed would have happened.


Because her son got raped and she wanted justice? Is this a for real thread?


Actually, her son was allegedly raped. There was no evidence that he was actually raped as all evidence suggested else wise. Secondly, Taylor specifically told her to not press the issue any further and she promised that she would not. After that, she is responsible for setting off a chain reaction that made the matter even worse. She puts him I. Front of Eve, effectively leaving him without anyone to turn to. Taylor was putting his life back together and seemed to put whatever occured in the past. She made the matter public and when you that there there was nothing to suggest rape and no charges were going to be brought against anyone.

After being told no charges were to be filed, against Taylor's wishes she continued to persue and even involving individuals who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to Taylor. Taylor had a lot of blame as well for lying and I am not even positive he was actually raped. Anne's pursuit caused innocent people to attack back at her efforts king matters worse for those merely by association. She had an agenda and was very out for revenge for herself not Taylor who she basically ignored and put aside. She didn't even see what she was doing to him. In the end what did she achieve besides breaking up families, ruining careers and the death of one child?
You might want to think before you speak.


Couldn't disagree more. The details of that night are left hazy at the end because he was drunk or drugged or both. Under those circumstances, sex with him would be illegal.

His mother also met with the father of the girl who was sexually harassed, probably renewing her quest for some justice. Completely justified, even if he didn't want it, she was responsible for him and he was a minor.


Couldn't be anymore wrong.The details of the night are muddy because Taylor initially lied and put everything he said questionable. It was never proven that he was drugged with anything and the drinking was under his own volition. Out your are incredibly flawed in your suggestion that anyone who is drunk and engages in sex is raped. If you follow that train of thinking the majority of people have been raped. I suppose by what you said two drunk people who have sex are raping each other,right?

It does not matter what her quest was or what renewed it, it was against his wishes. She broke her promise to him. Her renewed quest set up the foundation that led to him going to jail for a long time and ruined the lives of people not even directly or indirectly involved and one kid dead. What justice did her renewed quest gain? The only thing you are right about is that it was HER quest.Screw her quest, it wasn't even about him anymore at that point. If it was about him she would have seen what was happening to him, but she was to busy on HER quest.She didn't even know he was jumped or what he was doing or were he was. So he was essentially taken advantage of by his mother who caused him more damage than Eric MAY or may not have caused.
