Thanks so much mate for answering my questions!
1) Was it revealed what Henry injected into Adam's neck?
I don't think so (if it was, I missed it), but I guessed it was air (although probably something a bit more sophisticated).
That's right! Now I recall a doctor mentioned to Henry that the cause of Adam's paralysis was an embolism.
2) Are the paralyzing effects permanent or will they wear off over time?
3) Does this mean Adam will live "forever" in the present completely immobile?
Horrible thought that! I know of a few people who are suffering paralysis. One was born paralyzed with cerebral palsy, blind, unable to communicate and has lived the past 4 decades in a wheelchair. While another suffered an horseriding accident a couple of years ago and was paralyzed. It's a fate worse than death IMO. Horrible to imagine. Mind you Adam's fate is somewhat ironic considering he spent most, if not all, of his time morbidly fascinated with death and seeking the weapon responsible for his death in his first life under the illusion that it'd end his immortality once and for all. Now his desperation for death, I'm sure, will have multiplied 100-fold in that sorry condition he's in.
4) Won't his secret of immortality be revealed if he doesn't grow old and die?
Yes, but I imagine Henry was planning on moving him every ten years or so and putting him in a new place with a fresh date of birth.
Yeah I thought as much, but I think it'd be tough to take on that role i.e. Now Henry must ensure not only his secret doesn't become public, but now Adam's as well. Ah maddone!
5) If Adam dies in the present will he live again healed of the paralysis?
Yes, I think a death leads to a 'full reset'. I would have thought that had it continued that would have happened (maybe the cliffhanger at the end of the second series would have been Henry being notified by the Hospital that Adam had gone).
Phew! That's a relief! I'd hate to think of anyone--even the likes of Adam!--suffering paralysis, entombed in their own body with no escape. Poor, poor fellow