"Forever: The Complete Series" DVD Preorder Links
For fans of this underrated show, you can now pre-order "Forever: The Complete Series" DVD as part of the Warner Archive Collection on either the WB Shop or through Amazon. I'm so glad that Warner Bros. saw fit to give the fans a DVD release, albeit as a "Made To Order" DVD set. So many cancelled shows never even get this treatment, so for that I'm thankful.
WB Shop: http://www.wbshop.com/product/code/1000588610.do?promo=sliderFOREVERwac
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019WMTZSY?refRID=FR5MTHDYKS8ZYF3TP39M&ref_=pd_cart_vw_2_1_p
"Never trust the future, never miss the past. If you live for the shining moment, the moment may just last."