I'm really starting to hate Black Widow.
And it's really because the amount of plot armor around her has slowly been broaching Batman territory since IM2. Realistically she should have died fighting the Chitauri attack in A1, but not only does she survive a slew of ships ripping the city apart, she manages to wrestle these giant aliens with little to no effort. And all we see is a scratch of blood. Not to mention the ridiculous feats of surviving a slap from the Hulk. And climbing the ship without getting her arm torn off, and surviving that huge fall that should have crippled her without so much as a scratch.
Like I get it, she's a badass. But at what point is the MCU going to acknowledge that she's still a 120 lbs woman with no powers. She has never struggled, she never failed. Cause she's a wuhmaaan. And all women are perfect powerful badasses who can manhandle 600 lbs monsters with nothing but her legs.