MovieChat Forums > 90 Day Fiancé (2014) Discussion > How the hell is it Anfisa's apartment?

How the hell is it Anfisa's apartment?

Isn't Jorge the one who got it? Isn't it his name on the lease?

What a stuck up bitch, but given how feminist family laws in California are, police and courts would probably take her side and let her keep the apartment.

Jorge should have stuck with escorts. Would have been cheaper and less stressful.


That idiot probably put her name on the lease

The IMDB message boards you either die a good poster,or live long enough to become the troll


Well there is no law that says that he needs to pay the bills for it. Any utility in his name can be cut off. She can find some other poor sucker to pay her bills and buy her the things that the rest of us have to work very hard for. So what if he defaults on a lease. He can always get another by paying a years rent in advance (and not be silly enough to share it with any wannabe mates). I have no sympathy for her. She tried to get all she could and so far has come out ahead..she should just leave with all the gifts that she's gotten and go bait the next man. As long as he's willing to be a doormat, she's going to walk all over him.


Nipsey..I don't think there is a lease...Jorge said since he couldn't get a lease because of his felony a friend is letting them stay there. If that's the case Anfisa & Jorge could find themselves back in a motel.


Probably because he had to use her name because of the whole convicted felon.


Lol. In most relationships things belong to the couple. But not in this world - Jorge needs to sell his car to buy her more things only she can use

For a guy who is supposed to be smart, he sure is looking like an idiot on national TV


In most relationships things belong to the couple.

Only if they're married.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


You've never had a girlfriend I take it. That's the way it is, unfortunately. Jorge might be a pushover, but this is the way it is in most relationships.

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