Azan at the airport

Poor Azan. He looked like he couldn't get out of the airport fast enough. He kept turning to leave, and she kept turning around. Just when she turned the corner to board, she popped her head around for one last look. Probably hoping to see him melted in a puddle of tears. I think he did a good job with the farewell scene. He said the right things with a straight face, but Nicole would have been satisfied with nothing less than a full blown emotional meltdown. Her vision of love is based on outward displays- she doesn't feel loved unless he's pawing at her.


that girl is never going to be happy because she can't accept people as they are. She wants everyone to behave according to HER expectation.


Yeah he looked really happy to be dropping her off and saying goodbye lol. He looked like he couldn't wait to never have to see her again. The fact that he slept with her too shows me he is a good sport lmao. TLC probably gave him that ring to give to her.


It will be interesting to see how this relationship plays out. The only time Azan has looked happy was when he was in the desert, and I think that had more to do with the camels and the sand than with Nicole. Most of the time he looks repulsed and can't even make eye contact with her. I don't foresee a marriage for these two.


He admitted he was glad to be done with her arguing, whining and complaining. She is like an oversized toddler that throws themselves on the floor and has a fit when things don't go her way. Her child should #1 in her life, but she left her child to whine and complain for over a month with someone thousands of miles away. She sucks as a human and as a mother.


And despite all that - he still proposed to her. He still tells her that he loves her and that he wants to marry her.

I kinda liked Azan in the beginning, he seemed like a good guy, but now I think that he's worse than Mohammad. At least Mohammad told Danielle what he really thinks of her.

And Nicole is finally starting to use her brain. In early episodes she would just go with whatever Azan decided because she was in love with him so badly. By the end of the show, I'm glad that she's questioning his motives and having a second thought about everything.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


^ Exactttlllly!


I really hope these two don't make it to the chapel. He clearly isn't into her AT ALL, but it appears his family is pushing him to marry her for obvious reasons. It's amazing how obtuse Nicole is being about Azan's true feelings about her and honestly, he doesn't seem to make her very happy either. They need to go their separate ways and find more compatible partners.


outside of that famous green card, I do know just what Azan sees in Nicole?


"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


Maya55555...I'm glad you know what Azan sees in Nicole. Nobody else knows.



I think he signed up for a dumb girl to scam to get a green card or be his beard, but he obviously got in way over his head.

I know a lot of women like Nicole. If you aren't falling apart then you don't love them and you don't want to be with them. They're to be avoided.
