Poala is just a female Mohommed
OMG, it seems ok for everyone to hate on Mohhommed for using Danielle just for a green card, and I am so HAPPY he was served with an annulment, why is no one hating on Poala for using her husband for a green card! Dang if someone had to take a shot of liqour every time she utters the word "Miami" you would be drunk in less than 5 minutes> It so obvious she married him just for the sole purpose of moving to Miami, and the way she manipulated the story to make it so that he can't come with her so she is "forced" to go alone, when in reality that was her plan all along!!!Its sad that there are millions of Mohommeds and Poalas out there and its interesting that they will meet someone who's mind can easliy be changed, someone who loves them no matter how they are treated, She needs to be kicked out just like Mohommed!