Reunion show Part 1....

The reunion show really pissed me off. I can't believe everyone was cheering Danielle and rooting for her. Did they not see how absolutely CRAZY she was when she stalked Mo, sent him a million text messages and followed him to Miami...and all the girls are cheering her...UGH!!!! It makes me sick. Mo is no saint but I'm actually taking his side in this matter....


They're both insane. IMO they deserve each other.


I'm actually feeling a little sorry for Mohomed, there's no dealing with Danielle because she's not all the way there. I have to laugh at Paola in all this because she's lucky her husband has no balls otherwise he would have kicked her out a while ago for the way she disrespects him or maybe she's not lucky cause we all know she'd love to be single and partying in Miami right now.


Danielle likes to play the victim card and make people feel sorry for her when really she is a victim of her own circumstances....I really can't stand that woman....


Right!! She was talking about commiting fraud or writing bad checks to feed her kids. UM. I've gone through hard times and never resorted to crime to feed my son. Ridiculous.


Yep. Not only is she a criminal but she is a bully too...


She's full of it. So she broke the law to feed her children, because she is such a caring Mother. Then she spent thousand of dollars she could have saved for her kids, bringing some young guy to America, because she was lonely and horny. Nothing that selfish moron does is for her kids, it's all for her.

Was she thinking of her kids when she continually chased a guy, even after her girls said they did not want him back? They told her they would move out if Mo came back...yet Dani still pursued him. She is a worthless excuse for a parent.

My feet have wings, barf bag.


What's scary is after Mo told Danielle that he did not want to be married to her, she flew to Miami to try to save their marriage. Danielle- he does not want you!!


I think Danielle's trip to Miami was at the behest of the show's producers because it would get one more scene of conflict out of their story. Danielle does not have the funds for even the cheapest budget airline seat and she certainly doesn't have the money for an upscale Miami Beach boutique hotel room. I think the producers asked her to do it, told her to tell the camera she was going to Florida to save her marriage and then sat back and filmed the inevitable train wreck. It was hard to catch but the very first thing Danielle says to the cops is "I think I've been set-up". That is the most self-aware observation we've ever heard from the mouth of the Sandusky Hosebeast. It is so wonderfully serendipitous that this Tunisian love-rat picked Danielle to scam a green card out of. Little did he know he was gonna be peed on nightly in a home with no water or electric while having to share the bathroom with three lesbo teens and a bed with a deluded 300lb mildly-retarded schlub with a chronic feminine odor problem and no money for a box of Summer's Eve.


Misterslats post, lol! Antibiotics would be her best bet I believe


You tell it Misterslats! And didn't this so called mother of the year also see her son arrested because he tried to defend his mother against Mohamed and Danielle sided with Mo?

I still really want to see a picture of Dani's ex husband.


I'm beginning to think that Danielle only cares about herself


Yep...Corey thought Mo was assuring Dani, so he attempted to defend his mother. Corey got arrested and had to go to court. I read an interview with Dani where she said she didn't go to court to support Corey. She said something along the lines of it being hard to be in the middle of or choosing between your son and your husband. She is vile and disgusting.


Frick. iPhone posting sucks! Assaulting, not assuring!


Man, I really hope her son has nothing to do with her now. She is sickening. It's no contest choosing between your husband who clearly cannot stand to be around you and married you for a green card and your own son who loves you.


I cannot stand her, she is an ape *beep* crazy moron.

I also love the hypocrisy of her wanting to get even with Mo by deporting him for scamming her, yet she scammed several people it sounds like, in the way of bad cheques and credit cards! Can we deport her to somewhere? Anywhere?

"I just thought if you invited me over, you knew it was me showing up"


I wish we could deport Danielle. She is a menace to society...
