To me she looked the same, absolutely ugly. In fact she looked worse, especially when opening her mouth to tell the world she wasn't sorry for keying Jorge's car, breaking his phone's, hitting him, etc. She says, "no one understands". Why, I'm sorry, Anfisa, you're absolutely correct about that.
OP, I know what you are saying. They did a good job on her makeup - she actually looked as if she had bottom teeth. But who will ever know...she would have to smile for anyone to be able to tell.
I agree. I thought she looked worse as well. Her face seemed very puffy (although she looked like she lost weight in her body when she got up and stormed off). I don't agree about her makeup though. I think it looked awful because it was just pale. Her face was a totally different color than her neck and the rest of her skin. She almost looked like she didn't have any makeup on at all, but just had on face powder.
I can't die! I have 43 twitter followers that depend on me! oh, and I have a daughter.