Hey TLC This Is What We Really Want!
Dear TLC,
How about next season you just forget about all your scripted pairings -- nice try with Nicole and Azan -- you almost had us there. And as far as Pedro and Chantel -- well people on this board pretty much never bought it - that wedding scene was an insult to the intelligence of every member here. So in 2017 why don't you drop all the scripted sh!t and follow the one storyline that IS in fact mostly reality based: Danielle and Mohammed. Even though no longer a couple Danimo could easily carry a show all by themselves. One camera crew following Mohammed as he cons innocent women across the U.S. while making it look like he's doing his best to find a job and settle down. And one camera crew following Danielle and her three inbred lesbian daughters as they deal with their new-found infamy in modern-day Sandusky in the wake of "Pee Gate" and "Odorgedden 2016". I could watch a couple more seasons of just Danielle and Mohammed and I'll question the legitimacy of pretty much ALL new couples you present at this point so please just stick with DaniMo.