Season 9 Clown Rave

Was I the only one watching the scene with that underground clown paradise rave that was just absolutely entranced? I don't know what it is but I've never enjoyed watching a scene in a show as much as that one. And the music too. If anyone knows where I can see the original score for the show, please tell me.


That was gorgeous, yes. And then when it moves into the room where Penelope is singing and her voice somehow blends perfectly with the circus music that had already been going...You almost understand how Chip fell in love right in that moment. And more importantly, the whole party sequence makes you understand what being a clown means to him. The magic of it all.


It was beautifully done, like an old Euro movie from the 60's.


Definitely the most absorbed I've been in the show so far. You're right, it was mesmerising. The whole episode was great, actually, with a dream-like quality.
