MovieChat Forums > Baskets (2016) Discussion > Ma Baskets - Rich or not?

Ma Baskets - Rich or not?

I guess her husband left her a big insurance policy that lasted for the last 33 years. She has a nice house and doesn't look like she works. But then again, she had to use the twins' money to pay for a nurse.

I'm wondering why she decided to adopt two more kids, considering the husband died in 1983 and the twins look younger than 33. It's like she rejected Chip and Dale and wanted to start again. And it's very obvious that she favors them a lot more.


I've been wondering about her financial situation as well. Maybe she worked at a job with a nice pension, and she only recently retired. I don't think she would have gotten any life insurance money from her husband, since he committed suicide. The "fell off a bridge" line might have worked with the kids, but not with an insurance company.

I'm waiting for the flashback story to see how the DJ twins came to be adopted. I'm thinking maybe she knew their mother and stepped in when she died. Orrrrr, wouldn't it be interesting if she had a boyfriend who fathered Cody and Logan, and she just told everyone that they were adopted?


she's a drug kingpin.



Yeah been wondering the same thing, especially with the nurse issue. Wondering why she wouldn't pay for it herself.
This show definitely grows on you.


There is more to come on that, I think. There were the scenes before when Dale did not wanted that she goes to the hospital because they will get ripped off. Though I had more the feeling that he was more afraid this will go away from the heritage.
Otherwise, she has a nice big house, nice car and all that.
Its also mentioned in the last episode or so that the younger twins have access to a trust fund or something like that so maybe they live off their mummy to "open for the Chemical brothers".
