Why does "Extinction" come up when I'm looking for "Welcome To Harmony"? Same writer, director and cast and yet a new name? What gives? Can't say I'm loving the new title, seems trite for a director of director Miguel Ángel Vivas reputed caliber.
Yes, the title was changed to Extinction for the US, don't know if it will remain Welcome To Harmony in other territories. I was very disappointed too. Apparently they didn't even consult with the director or the writer, they tweeted about it a few weeks ago, they think it sounds like a bad TV movie. It's a shame and it sucks. Hopefully such a generic title won't affect the chances for the movie to get noticed.
Yeah, I'd say let's hope they know what they're doing, but then...I can't say the suits making these decisions usually inspire a lot of confidence.
I can hear it now, we need a tile that will attract "more men". "Welcome To Harmony" doesn't sound "zombie enough"? "Extinction! Perfect!" (and so original!)
Oh well, Vivas is a good director, let's hope the film finds its audience regardless of any interference...er...HELP...it receives from the studio.
Hey, who knows, maybe it will be a big blockbuster and "Extinction" really is the perfect blockbuster title. :)
It is good, its not one of the 'have to have monsters charging around at least every 5 minutes' type though, it is a more thoughtful movie, and is more about the relationship between the two men and the little girl, and their main aim in protecting her. The heartbreak you can feel in the characters actually comes through to you. I was very impressed with the actors, ALL of them, they played their parts perfectly. Patrick losing his companion, the dog, which the little girl had grown to love also, was emotional. In all honesty, i will watch this again, as i believe i will like it even more when i do. well worth the time to watch. you will enjoy it if you allow yourself to.
Thanks for the review. So far reviews seem pretty mixed...but they seem to be based on expectation rather than just experiencing it for what it is. Horror purists aren't exactly enjoying the character studies, wanting more action and less relationship stuff, movie buffs seem to enjoy the character stuff and find the horror aspect a well done bonus. I'm looking forward to seeing it. It sounds kind of original.
I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one that thought this. Welcome to Harmony was a much more intriguing and unique title. Now it has joined the generic club of many films under an umbrella title of the same name. It's not just this movie. I see that they do this with a lot of films as if they think people can't handle or won't take to anything that doesn't sound familiar like something they've already seen. It seems that 75% of movies these days are using a previous title. Is it somehow more cost efficient?