Some Good, Some Not So Good
As a fan of movies in the zombie genre, I thought this was very well done... the acting was solid, and the story piqued my interest. Here are some things I really liked:
- the set designs. From the snow mounds in the post apocalyptic future to the houses that each of the guys had fortified and powered up with generators, the sets were flawless. They really added to the atmosphere and believability of the scenarios.
- the adult leads. Competent acting, characters I actually cared about even if there was a bit of moral ambiguity about the dynamics of the two guys and the little girl.
- creature design (makeup). I definitely wouldn't want to meet one of the ghouls in a dark alley. They looked like rancid sewer monsters, and the physicality some of the creatures' actors had was really convincing.
- the dog. Not just for the sake of giving props to a pooch, but the dog was given a pretty significant role, and he was a great character that helped move the plot a bit.
- the opening scenes with the bus caravan.
- good jump scares. There were a number of little shocks that didn't rob the movie of the tension. No "walking down the hall, then suddenly a cat jumps out of the shadows" kind of stuff. The scares built up the tension as the they were introduced, but after the scares the danger was still there so you were left a bit nervous for the characters.
Things I didn't care for:
- the length of the movie. It probably could have been about a half an hour shorter. I don't think we needed the flashbacks to establish the relationship issues between the fellas.
- creature design (CG). Most notably the long lens encounter in the snow... think snowmobile, right after the visit to the store. It was offputting.
- the little girl. The young actress was good, but the character was a bit annoying. I did enjoy the scene she had in the basement, but the dialogue between her and her guardian was very "meh." Fast forward worthy.
- the convenient pickup truck. I know, I know, but still. fans of zombie flicks, we tend to accept flicks of a lower caliber than other genres. This was definitely a good production. I like that we were dropped into a situation and didn't have to go through the genesis of the monster situation. The influences in the movie are obvious but well done... I noticed some elements found in 28 Days Later (fast zombies), Stakeland (creature design), The Road (bleak desolation with no narrative as to why things had become the way they'd become), and numerous others that I won't bore anyone with.
Solid, entertaining flick.