not understanding the discord.. was a pretty decent flick.
sharePatrick was the real father.
Jack slept with Emma for awhile at some point.
Patrick became an alcoholic and was drunk when he should have been protecting Emma and she was killed by an infected. (Emma was saved originally by Jack cutting her arm off after the bite in the opening scene.)
Jack blamed Patrick for Emma's death and took the girl, raised her and never talk to Patrick again.
"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"
mp100165370, i agree w/ you 100000% that Jack was a complete douche. i just re-watched the movie again (my 3rd time overall) and i hated Jack more so now than i initially did. Jack slept with Patrick's wife (are we even 100% positive that Lu is Patrick's?), then Jack blames Patrick for cheating loser wife's death, then Jack takes off with Patrick's(?) daughter, then Jack acts like he's 100% fault free and proceeds to treat Patrick like $hit for the 9 years they lived there. i really hated Jack pretty much.
shareWasn't it Patrick who cut off her arm?
Also when was it established that Jack slept with his wife? I fell asleep for a short time during the movie, was this shown in a flashback or some dialogue?
Just wondering :)
Gone too soon:
Firefly|New Amsterdam|Journeyman|Life|terriers|SGU|Prime Suspect
I don't remember clearly which one cut off her arm.
The affair was established as him overhearing them talking in a flashback.
"I wasn't totally sure what was happening. But I knew I wanted to stab someone."
Ahh cool. Thanks.
I must have dozed off at that particular flashback :)
Gone too soon:
Firefly|New Amsterdam|Journeyman|Life|terriers|SGU|Prime Suspect
I miss things all the time. Something happens on screen that makes me think about something, often completely unrelated. And suddenly I'm in the middle of a new scene
"I wasn't totally sure what was happening. But I knew I wanted to stab someone."
I watched the flashback scenes again and they don't clearly establish that Jack and Patrick's wife were having an affair. What it does establish is that Patrick was paranoid that they were together behind his back. Watch the scenes again. None of them prove that she cheated on him.
I think Jack's hatred towards Patrick makes a lot more sense if the flashbacks are there to show that Patrick thought they were cheating behind his back when they weren't. This makes sense because there is another flashback where he is so drunk that he even forgot Emma was dead. A drunk of that level could easily be paranoid of his wife being unfaithful even if she is not. This paranoia combined with his problem with alcohol leads to him carelessly letting Emma die.
If this was the case, it makes sense for Jack to take Lu away because in that state he was definitely not a fit father. This would also explain Jack's hatred towards Patrick. Also, this explains why Patrick never put up a fight/protest regarding Jack not letting him have contact with his own daughter. When he stopped drinking he finally realized that Emma dying, Lu being motherless and him losing a good friend were all his fault. So in his shame/guilt he was willing to let Jack have full say in how Lu was raised. However, he decided to stay next door to them both because he loves them both and wants to keep them safe.
lol my dad does that all the time when watching a movie. it's hilarious. then when he wakes up he asks a bunch of questions tryin' to understand what's going on
sharefor my part, i liked the concept of the film, and i liked the characters and their relationship - though i think it could have been developed more.. id have liked to see more on patricks growing insanity from the lack of human contact...
what i PERSONALLY didn't like, was... well.. everything else. i loved the creature designs, but their behaviour was so inconsistent... they're super strong they can dent metal.. now they're so weak they cant push open a door... they're totally unaware if you lie still in the snow, oh, now they're super aware... did we establish they cant detect you if you just stand still? why did that all of a sudden not work.. now they're in the walls for no reason, now ones in the cellar... it all felt so forced and lazy when it came to the later act, this is why i ultimately gave the film a 'meh' review.
They could have... should have... turned the finale into a terrifying suspense sequence, trying to sneak out of the house... i felt it was a mistake to turn it into an action sequence and undermine the rules and mood the film spent over an hour developing.