I don't understand

Is this a mix of the world freezing and zombies. Or the world freezing because of nuclear war and zombies (or mutants) being created. Or they just live in a place that is very cold and the creatures exist but the war happened because of the creatures???? Yea like I'll check wikipedia now but that trailer and synopsis confuse anyone else?


My Guess is they live somewhere very cold.


They took refuge in a very cold place. Which is smart, if I was in the same situation, I'd probably go north too.




It's one of films that feels you don't need to know as its about the human interactions.


They state the fact that the cold supposedly killed off all of the infected several times in the movie. It only seems logical that if the infected freeze to death in winter the best place to be is somewhere that gets cold.
The movie is set in winter, but I think it's safe to assume that it isn't always winter in the location in which the movie is set.


Either they went somewhere cold as refuge or lack of people reduced CO2 levels which stopped global warming from holding off that ice age that coming round again.

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


I think you may be confused about ''Global Warming'' It's more about climate change. People being around and over using stuff and abusing fossil fuels is not stopping anything, people are making the planet worse and we will need to change dramitically if we wish to keep having a planet.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change#Human_influences I don't expect you to read the whole thing but do click to the Human influences section FYI.



While I remain an agnostic in the AGW (or ACC if you prefer) religion, I was making a joke.

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


Right so, that's okay then. I just thought you were stupid. It's hard to tell that you were joking. Without you implying the joke more, through your writing.


Sometimes I have a very subtle sense of humor. Little more than an in-joke with myself.

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


Hee Hee I actually like it.


Always nice to hear. It is a pleasant bonus when I amuse more than just myself. 

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


I don't really believe in AGW, most evidence of it has either been proven wrong or to have been grossly overstated..


I know more than most that the Governmental loan systems bias results on many topics. Ten years ago was pretty much where you seem to be on the subject. I still lean more towards CC than AGW/ACC I am more aware of my own personal biases than I once was. Still there is no doubt that the effects have been overblown. None of the models to date have come close to predicting a correct result. And while the ACC crowd would say that is weather not climate, I say that is science failing in a demonstrative way. They still could be right, but until they can prove it under some kind of scientific method I stand undecided.

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


i think the world had frozen, reason being the 2 old dead people in a house jack searched. They hadn't decomposed , so either they died recently or they died 9 odd years ago and where 2 cold to decompose. They had died through gunshot wound to the head. The problem being for their bodies to last 9 year's, the world would i suspect need to be a lot colder.


The rabbit and horse would require vegetation to survive and Patrick was regularly hunting animals, that along with the trees still being alive means there would have to be a growing season, even if it were a short one.

I didn't notice a bobcat or snow plough near the houses either, if there was no thaw they'd need something to move the masses of snow that would build up and make accessing their homes impossible.
Then again maybe I'm just over-analyzing it more than the production team did or these are just factors they chose to ignore to simplify the production process.


Some good points. Especially the horse didn't make sense.

Maybe they used nukes against cities that created large fires and created an artificial winter.


Isn't there a Harmony, Alaska? I know it gets pretty cold up there, but I'm thinking something else might of happened to speed it up. If there is a big infection issue I wouldn't be surprised if some one dropped a nuke or two and that could cause it.


Isn't there a Harmony, Alaska?

Not that I know of, but there is Harmony Islands.

I googled Harmony and there is a few in other states tho, California, Minnesota, and others (including a New Harmony, and Fort Harmony.



