I give it 8.5!

On the Suck-o-meter, could have achieved a 9 but didn't have any rap music. How does this shlt get made? Seriously, are you telling me that their isn't any deserving screenplays out there that could be made? One of the keys to an apocalyptic story is to make the survivors sympathetic to the viewer, I couldn't stand their dumb ases right off. Poor movie.


Are you for real? There are no scripts. Not at this budget. If you want to watch the real apo movie watch The Road. But that movie will take your ass and beat it to the ground.

"One of the keys to an apocalyptic story is to make the survivors sympathetic to the viewer" - Who said that? Why? If it was real, biggest douche could survive.

And for the sake of keeping some level of discussion: You dont have any arguments besides not liking the cast.


