Alternate Bus intro

Names are given to better explain an alternate opening bus scene:

Bus #1: Alpha Bus
Bus #2: Bravo Bus

Alpha Bus Squad Leader: Capt Miller
Squad Member: Pvt Thompson

Bravo Bus Squad Leader: Cpl Hornback
Squad Member: Pvt Dillion

Alpha bus receives a sudden rear tire blowout and the driver in panic jams on the breaks. Bravo Bus mashes on the brakes as well as it’s passages and solders onboard are rocked forwarded. Managing to brace themselves, they remain standing, but the passengers’ heads slam into the backs of the seats ahead.

Bravo bus screeches to a sudden halt just as a baby awakens with a crying shrill that mixes in with the whiplash atmosphere of moans and groans. Cpl Honback and Pvt Dillion began to calm the passengers as Hornback radios Alpha Bus on an update. Capt Miller radios back that they had a tire blowout and he’s stepping out to have a look.

The chatter and panic began to quiet down as Hornback navigates to the front of the bus to observe. Queuing up his radio he cracks a joke to Miller who had just lit up a flare and tossed it in front of himself. The passengers crack a smile and laugh as Miller immediately motions with his left hand to knock it off, giving the implications that he is a no non sense Captain even during an apocalypse.

Miller radios to Pvt Thompson that the tire is inoperable and to remain on the bus. He motions Hornback to come outside, but Thompson does not acknowledge. Hearing this over the radio, questions flood immediately his way, as Cpl Hornbak and Pvt Dillion attempt to calm them. Miller not receiving an acknowledge from his squad mate starts a fast walk back to the front of the bus.

“What happens if they can’t fix the tire? My Wife and daughter are on that bus, can they fit on our bus? We can’t leave them behind, there are women and children on that bus too!”

The questions began to mix and drown each other out as the noise grew louder and people began to panic and stand up. Dillion punched the ceiling of the bus and shouted for everyone to quiet down and remain seated. The bus grew quiet again as the mother of the baby clutched her newborn ever closer in an attempt to comfort.

Hornback now having somewhat restored order on Bravo Bus, turns back to see Miller gone. He radios for Miller but no response. After a few seconds he tries again, same result. “Might be radio problems” he mentions to Pvt Dillion as he motions the driver to open the door and then steps out. Dillion begins to walk to the front of the bus, watching Cpl Hornbacks every move.

“Are you sure its radio problems? What if the other bus mutinied?” What if the mutation got them? The passengers’ silent concerns began to manifest themselves to an audible whisper, loud enough to annoy Dillion. He turned to face them while slowly grinding his teeth with an ever increasing grip on his rifle, he lacked patience with civilians.

Turning back around, he peered out expecting to see Hornback’s flashlight but could not see it anymore. Alpha Bus was dark with no signs of movement or life inside. He radioed to Hornback who too did not respond like the rest. “It can’t be mutiny”, he thought to himself, it’s far too quiet…, the mutation got em all or they’re food. His stomach turned as a small uneasiness of fear begin to set in. The sweat from his arms ran down into his gloves as he readied himself to take command.

Turning to the driver he told him start the bus and pull away now. Hearing this and getting angry, the passengers began to stand and move forward while the bus hummed to life and began pulling away slowly. “My wife and daughter are on that bus! We’re not leaving them over my dead body! My Son...My Husband! They might be alive, STOP THE BUS!” They cried as they filled the walkway. The baby started crying again as Dillion unsafed and chambered his rifle causing them to stop but remain where they were.

“The bus is already taken over and we are not safe here. My orders are to escort you out of the- “, before he could finish, one of the men charged. Dillion caught off guard tried to aim but was not quick enough. The man pushed him up against the window railing as several rounds were squeezed off taking out the driver.

The driver slumped forward onto the horn while gassing it. Screams and panicked cries rang out as they heled on for dear life. The bus took off down the road while the charging man wrestled with Dillion for control of the rifle. Losing the battle, the man screamed for help and more ran in to pin Dillion down against the window railing while another grabbed the wheel. Too late, the bus hit an abandoned car on the side of the road just as the man yanked hard to the right. Careening on its side the bus slammed into the pavement sending glass shards flying all about the cabin tossing.

Coming to slowly, Dillion could hear the repetitive cycle of the turn cycle chiming in his ears. His head feeling like it was split open, caused him to put his hand on his head. Feeling something warm running down his face he opened his eyes and into the blank stare of the dead driver. His brains still oozing out of the head cavity, were sliding down Dillions cheek as he panicked and wrestled himself up the side of the Driver’s seat.

Moans and groans could be heard as passengers dislodged from the seats now lay on top of each other. “Is everyo-“, he tried to speak by instead coughed uncontrollably. Someone replied with a shriek as they began to get up and crawl over people headed to the rear emergency exit. People squirmed in pain of his foot placements as he screamed louder and louder. “Get me outta here! I have to get back to my wife and daughter!”. Reaching the door he pushed it open causing the rear exit door buzzard to go off. His escape was cut short as a zombie rushed in tearing his neck out. People who were awake but slowly taking everything in began to panic and crawl to the front of the bus as a horde of zombies yanked that man out and began to crawl in. Fighting to operate the damage door control, Dillion managed to open the door and climb out…

If you are seeing yourself standing in another room, you are definitely not fine
