So in 9 years....

The world would freeze over? If that's the case, what's not making the world freeze over now?

I know it's only a movie but at least explain why, in the movie.


Maybe I missed something, but I thought they were "up north", like alaska.


Harmony is in Alaska. Kind of a sh!tty place to be stuck scavenging for survival!


So are we to assume that summer is coming? Because Alaska isnt like that all year round right? Or did humanity mess with the weather to try and kill off the creatures? It was never explained in anyway.


Global Warming!! 

Better to die sooner than late, for die we must. -Lord Denethor


The book is set in a kind of Post apocalyptic world after WW3 so maybe we *beep* it up completely during that.


They didn’t make that clear in the movie.



The world is currently experiencing global cooling, despite the scaremongers trying to get you to believe the earth is warming, which is only to scare you to the point that you accept high taxes that thanks to the emission trading fraud (Paris fake 'climate' agreement) go to the dictators in Africa which in turn sends more black fellas to Europe. Agenda 21. Nothing new.
