The pregnant woman who they rescue outside the store. She comes in really late in the movie. And she goes from being a blubbering mess and a completely unknown character to five minutes later telling the kid how she is going to be responsible for helping to raise her baby. Then she turns into Rambo when she hears the creature then its over and she is leaving with Jack and the kid. Did they really just create her character so the writer could convey the point that they call to each other so they could set up the big attack scene? Otherwise she didnt seem to have a purpose and its weird having a major character appear in the last 20 minutes of a movie.
The point of the woman was to let the characters and the audience know there were other survivors out there. Her story about her family leaving their home and with her getting pregnant during all this reinforces what the little girl was saying about living too. Just surviving is not living.
I think other than as the other poster mentions, she was written in 'for Jack'. It was clear he had been in love with Lu's mother, but clearly, Lu's mother was Patrick's wife/girlfriend and this, he couldn't declare his feelings/couldn't be with her at the time.
Despite he never got to be with Lu's mum (forget the character name at the moment), he honoured her by removing her daughter from Patrick's care (as he was a bad drunk and had memory lapses and could have potentially harmed his daughter) and cared for her deeply as if she were his own. He was, as the poster mentioned, an outstanding father and friend, despite it was what broke down their friendship other than the fact that Patrick had killed Lu's mother to save her from turning.
One thought is the appearance of the pregnant woman is I suppose to show us that he would eventually find potential for happiness again (not that I think he was particularly unhappy, I think he adored Lu more than even her father ever could and was happy enough being a father). Karmically, he "deserved" love again, and this woman may be just that, especially as he won't be able to hold onto Lu forever as she grows up and wants to move on.
One other thing I think we are supposed to take from the pregnant woman is that this is HOPE, she is pregnant, she is bringing a new life into the world, they are far from extinction yet. She is proving that life is still finding its way despite the horrors that devastated the planet. Children are penned as the 'future', and epitomised as 'hope itself'.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've become a race of peeping toms.
"One other thing I think we are supposed to take from the pregnant woman is that this is HOPE, she is pregnant, she is bringing a new life into the world, they are far from extinction yet. She is proving that life is still finding its way despite the horrors that devastated the planet. Children are penned as the 'future', and epitomised as 'hope itself'."
I don't think we were supposed to infer anything will be happening between her and Jack anytime soon, though - if anything, she connected more with Patrick. There's a whole civilization out there waiting for them, it's not like they are the left of their kind left.
As for her fighting skills- did you all missed the part where she talked about traveling the country with her family and others groups of survivors for years? She must have learned to take care of herself at some point.
The woman is also the one who told them that the roars of the captured monster were calling the other monsters. This gave them some time to get ready to fight.