MovieChat Forums > Extinction (2015) Discussion > The custody (?) situation ....

The custody (?) situation ....

I thought I was paying attention, but it must have waned - so, Patrick was the little girl's biological father, but he "caused" (I guess) her mother's death by drunkenly walking away from their car (which she appeared to be inside with the doors locked), so the other guy just ... took the baby? Was he a family friend or were he and the mother having an affair? Or was he married to the mom and Patrick was the one having an affair with her? And then Patrick appeared to have "put her down" after she (the mom) was bitten - but he kind of had to do it, right? WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING?!

And Patrick sure seemed to be hunky dory with the fact that the other guy (who took his child or something) allowed his beloved dog, his only friend in the world, to be horribly slaughtered by a zombie WHILE THE ZOMBIE WAS IN THE SIGHT OF THE OTHER GUY'S GUN. I mean ... ??????? Totally preventable!

Maybe I really wasn't paying attention at all ... I give it a 5/10 for various WTFs, unless someone can adequately explain what I missed (if it was there in the first place).

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


I think Jack was in love with Patrick's wife but kept it to himself since he was friends with Patrick. He didn't "put her down", he chopped off her infected arm and she apparently survived long enough to die in a locked vehicle (which made zero sense, was the creature already in the truck? She would have seen/heard/smelled it when she got in the cab. Why would it already be in the truck anyway? Or did it just come in the open window or door, which also makes zero sense since it's freezing cold out and they would have everything closed. Dumb.)

Patrick was a raging, guilt-ridden mess and he allowed Jack to steal his child and to never allow him to even look at her again. Super hard to believe, especially considering they live right next to each other and have for nine year. I got a serious creeper vibe off Jack, like he was raising the daughter to be the replacement for the mother.

I would have smashed Jack's face with the butt of my rifle for letting my dog die but that's just me. I think they were trying to show how guilty Patrick felt for everything so he just excused Jack's cowardice.

One thing you didn't mention, the monsters' enhanced hearing. One is literally on top of unconscious Patrick but doesn't attack him. Why was it on top of him if it didn't know he was there? If its hearing is so good, shouldn't it be able to hear him breathing? Feel his heat? Smell him? Gah!

I don't know why this movie annoyed me so much.


It seemed way more convoluted than necessary and they just hint at how it came to be that way for most of the movie, dropping in flash backs here and there that only made me think ok I got it, no wait I dont. That was annoying. I assume he was such a mess after his wife died (was killed) that he went over the edge and wasnt capable of taking care of an infant? Yet he seems to have got it together enough to survive pretty well. Why didnt he go back over and say ok Jack Ill take my kid back thanks. And he was all apologetic TO him about what happened to HIS OWN wife. What?? Im sorry I allowed my wife to get killed because I know you wanted her? In fact Im SO sorry that Ill let you raise my own child and not complain about it? The whole dynamic is confusing and weird and having them be next door neighbors the WHOLE time made it even weirder.

And I assumed the woman died that night when she got bit. I assumed Patrick was mad at him because he had shot her before she could turn. But instead she survives and there she is in flash backs which confused me. And hes mad at him for nine years because he let a creature kill her? It seems like there is a much simpler way this thing could have been written...

Nice name by the way.



Maybe I missed something, but I thought Jack might have been the mom's brother. That would make Jack the biological uncle to Lu. The Brother/Uncle relationship makes sense to me in the context of what I saw happening in the movie. But, like you, I wasn't paying complete attention to every detail in the movie so I could be wrong.


Patrick became a drunken mess due to his suspicions about Emma and Jack having an affair (on top of, you know, the ongoing apocalypse) so I am going to go out on a limb here and assume they weren't related.



I think you got it. That's how I interpreted all of the flashback scenes too, and like you, it took me a while to understand what the heck was the actual backstory.

It still didn't make total sense (Patrick never reclaiming his daughter during the nine years for example). And Jack was such a POS, he should have been killed at the end, either instead of Patrick or along with him. No way he deserved to live.
